Friday 11 January 2019

Permanant Treatment for Psoriasis

What Is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a noncontagious, lifelong skin disease The most common form, plaque Psoriasis, appears as raised, red patches or lesions covered with a silvery white buildup of dead skin cells, called scale.
This is non-infectious disease of skin, characterized by well-marked red lesions which are dry with silvery white scaling becoming obvious only after scraping.
Condition is characterized by exacerbations (flare-ups) & remissions (temporary disappearance). It can be associated with nail changes like thickening, thimble pitting, involvement of finger joints & occasionally severe systemic effect like fever & chills.
Commonest site involved is elbows, knees & lower back. Other sites which are prone to be affected are -scalp marked scaling with lumpiness, nails, all over the body, palms, soles.

Causes Of Psoriasis

Skin is made up of two layers : upper layer called epidermis and lower or inner layer called dermis. In healthy individuals epidermal cells on skin are continuously shed off and replaced by new layer of cells. The cells of the lower most layer of epidermis called keratinocytes gradually mature as soft mature cells as they rise from lower layer to upper layer to become the most superficial layer of cells. This process takes around 28 days and it is slow insidious and almost inconspicuous as dead cells are efficiently cleared off and no debris is seen.

In Psoriasis regeneration of cells of epidermal layer is abnormally accelerated. It takes only 5-6 days instead of 28days for the keratinocytes to travel the distance from lowermost layer to become the uppermost layer. In the bargain these cells do not mature in such a short time and remain immature hard and scaly. Before the superficial layer is shed off & cleared new layer of immature & ill-formed cells is laid, this results in piling up of scales and thickening of skin.

Moreover in order to maintain such an increased production of cells, demand for blood & other constituents for cell manufacture at that site is markedly increased. the blood circulation to that area is increased manifold leading to congestion, redness(INFLAMATION)of skin. Thus a psoritic patch is formed.

Experience As Homeopaths

In our experience as Homeopaths we have found individuals suffering from Psoriasis have in past suffered from

» Mental stress, Tension, Suppression of Desires, or frank grief. The grief or stress need not necessarily be present when the first lesion on skin is seen. The patches are usually observed after the grief and stress is over, and this surprises the patien and hence the patient does not relate this disease to grief directly or indirectly.

» Frequent respiratory complaints like asthma, bronchitis or rhinitis or stomach problems of acidity, gas, dysentery, which have been treated improperly and got suppressed and no longer exist now. They call themselves "cured" of those problems after treatment with conventional line of treatment but one does not realize that the disease has got transferred from this minor ailment to major one like Psoriasis.

» Have a strong family history of Psoriasis.

» In children there need not be history of mental agony or stress nor any rection to drugs. It could be due to suppression of respiratory, gastric or skin disease.


Allopathically speaking Psoriasis is incurable.

Homeopathic Psoriasis is completely curable. 
Conventional or existing line of Treatment of Psoriasis is aimed at suppression of skin lesions. These skin lesions or scaling disappears with local ointments only to appear again as the ointment is discontinued. Skin specialists, in order to suppress the reactivity of the skin use steroids and the anti-cancer drugs like methotrexate. Though these are effective in making the lesions disappear they could have horrible side effects.

Side effects
» They are not treating the cause and hence the lesions are bound to relapse on discontinuing of the treatment.

» Steroids give rise to obesity, diabetes, and hypertension, and occasionally also thyroid problems. Also cause immuno-suppression.

» Methotrexate is a drug used to fight cancer. This is done by suppressing the immunity of the patient that makes the patient prone to many infective diseases like tuberculosis.

» Few of the dreaded side-effects of suppression of Psoriasis are psoriatic arthritis deformans, severe vertigo, cancer etc


PLAQUE PSORIASIS : Most common form of the disease
Psoriasis is a very diverse skin disease that appears in a variety of forms. Each form has distinct characteristics. Typically, people have only one type of Psoriasis at a time, but occasionally two or more different types of Psoriasis can occur at the same time. Psoriasis can also occasionally change from one form to another. Trigger factors may "convert" some forms of Psoriasis, such as plaque, to another form, such as pustular. Generally, one type of Psoriasis will clear and then another form of Psoriasis will appear later.

GUTTATE PSORIASIS : Appears as small red spots on the skin
Guttate [GUH-tate] Psoriasis is a form of Psoriasis that often starts in childhood or young adulthood. The word guttate is from the Latin word meaning "drop." This form of Psoriasis resembles small, red, individual spots on the skin. Guttate lesions usually appear on the trunk and limbs. These spots are not usually as thick as plaque lesions.
Guttate Psoriasis often comes on quite suddenly. A variety of conditions have been known to bring on an attack of guttate Psoriasis, including upper respiratory infections, streptoccocal infections, tonsillitis, stress, injury to the skin and the administration of certain drugs (including antimalarials and beta-blockers). A streptococcal infection of the throat (strep throat) is a common guttate Psoriasis trigger. Strep throat can be present without symptoms and can still cause a flare of guttate Psoriasis. Talk with your doctor about getting a strep test to determine if you have an underlying strep infection. Guttate Psoriasis may persist despite clearance of the strep infection. Some doctors prescribe antibiotics to help prevent an occurrence of an infection that can cause the outbreak of guttate Psoriasis.

INVERSE PSORIASIS : Occurs in armpits, groin and skin folds
Inverse Psoriasis is found in the armpits, groin, under the breasts, and in other skin folds around the genitals and the buttocks. This type of Psoriasis first shows up as lesions that are very red and usually lack the scale associated with plaque Psoriasis. It may appear smooth and shiny. Inverse Psoriasis is particularly subject to irritation from rubbing and sweating because of its location in skin folds and tender areas. It is more common and troublesome in overweight people and people with deep skin folds.
Sometimes a product called Castellani's Paint (prescribed by a doctor and compounded by a pharmacist, or bought over the counter as brand name Castederm) is used to treat inverse Psoriasis. It is a liquid that can be painted on the affected skin and can help to dry moist lesions of Psoriasis in folds. The use of powders may also help to dry the moist lesions associated with inverse Psoriasis. Some people will use creams at night and powders in the morning.

PUSTULAR PSORIASIS : White blisters surrounded by red skin
Primarily seen in adults, pustular [PUHS-choo-ler] Psoriasis is characterized by white pustules (blisters of noninfectious pus) surrounded by red skin. The pus consists of white blood cells. It is not an infection, nor is it contagious. It may be localized to certain areas of the body–for example, the hands and feet. Pustular Psoriasis also can be generalized, covering most of the body. It tends to go in a cycle–reddening of the skin followed by formation of pustules and scaling.
Pustular Psoriasis reportedly may be triggered by internal medications, irritating topical agents, overexposure to UV light, pregnancy, systemic steroids, infections, emotional stress and sudden withdrawal of systemic medications or potent topical steroids. 

ERYTHRODERMIC PSORIASIS : Intense redness over large areas
Erythrodermic [eh-REETH-ro-der-mik] Psoriasis is a particularly inflammatory form of Psoriasis that often affects most of the body surface. It may occur in association with von Zumbusch pustular Psoriasis. It is characterized by periodic, widespread, fiery redness of the skin. The erythema (reddening) and exfoliation (shedding) of the skin are often accompanied by severe itching and pain.
Patients having an erythrodermic Psoriasis flare should make an appointment to see a doctor immediately. Erythrodermic Psoriasis causes protein and fluid loss that can lead to severe illness. Edema (swelling from fluid retention), especially around the ankles, may also develop along with infection. The body's temperature regulation is often disrupted, producing shivering episodes. Infection, pneumonia and congestive heart failure brought on by erythrodermic Psoriasis can be life threatening. People with severe cases of this condition often require hospitalization. 
Known triggers of erythodermic Psoriasis include abrupt withdrawal of systemic treatment; the use of systemic steroids (cortisone); an allergic, drug-induced rash that brings on the Koebner response (a tendency for Psoriasis to appear on the site of skin injuries); and severe sunburns.


About 10 percent to 30 percent of people with Psoriasis also develop psoriatic arthritis, which causes pain, stiffness and swelling in and around the joints.

Early recognition, diagnosis and treatment of psoriatic arthritis can relieve pain and inflammation and possibly help prevent progressive joint involvement and damage. Without treatment, psoriatic arthritis can potentially be disabling and crippling.

Psoriatic arthritis is associated with Psoriasis on the skin. Approximately 10 percent to 30 percent of people with Psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis, although it often may go undiagnosed, particularly in its milder forms. It can develop at any time, but for most people it appears between the ages of 30 and 50. Psoriatic arthritis seems to affect men at a slightly higher percentage than women.

Both genetic and environmental factors seem to be associated with the development of psoriatic arthritis. The immune system plays an important role.

Prompt diagnosis and treatment can relieve pain and inflammation and possibly help prevent progressive joint involvement and damage. Without treatment, psoriatic arthritis can potentially be disabling and crippling.

Psoriatic arthritis can develop slowly with mild symptoms, or it can develop quickly and be severe. Early recognition, diagnosis and treatment of psoriatic arthritis can help prevent or limit extensive joint damage that occurs in later stages of the disease.

Generally, one or more of the following symptoms appears
»Generalized fatigue
»Tenderness, pain and swelling over tendons
»Swollen fingers and toes
»Stiffness, pain, throbbing, swelling and tenderness in one or more joints
»A reduced range of motion
»Morning stiffness and tiredness
»Nail changes—for example, the nail separates from the nail bed and/or becomes pitted and mimics fungus infections
»Redness and pain of the eye, such as conjunctivitis
The disease can develop in a joint after an injury and may mimic a cartilage tear. The diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis may sometimes be made only after repeated episodes. Muscle or joint pain can occur without joint inflammation (swelling). Tendonitis and bursitis may be prominent features. Swelling of the fingers and toes can suggest a "sausage-like" appearance, known as dactylitis. Psoriatic arthritis usually affects the distal joints (those closest to the nail) in fingers or toes. The lower back, wrists, knees or ankles also may be affected.


The conventional treatment of medicine with strong chemicals and ointment removes the disease from local site but it soon reappears with more intensity and on larger areas. Every time it needs more and more strong treatments. Moreover these treatments if taken for long time damages the vital organs like liver and kidneys, threatening the life in total.

Some times these treatments do not show any effect. The progress of disease and tendency of psoriasis remains unaffected by these treatments.

The conventional treatment controls increased production of skin cells for some time. But the main cause of increased production of skin cells is not in the skin cells. It is triggered by the type of white blood cell "T" cells. The conventional medicine has no role in changing the behavior of "T" cell. So the disease continues to progress and comes back again and again.

Whereby constitutional Homeopathic treatment aims at root cause of the disease the "T" cells...eventually the immune system. Homeopathic treatment does not suppress the immune system but renders it to its normal healthy condition i.e. tunes it.

PROCEDURE OF HOMEOPATHIC CURE : Homeopathy not only treats the Psoriasis but stops the relapses permanently. If patient has patience and the doctor has dedicated for the cause cure is sure 

The symptoms of disease are not the disease as such. The symptoms of the disease are the inadequate effort of immune system to throw away the disease. By the treatments that aim to remove these symptoms suppress the immune system for some time and allows the disease to progress freely inside.

The increased disease is again given a strong but inadequate effort by the immune systems when it reappears affecting larger areas and more intensity. The repeated assault on the immune system for its cry for appropriates remedy, breaks down immune system at the cost of damage to vital organs of body like liver and kidneys.

Homeopathic medicines help to strengthen the immune system to imitate a stronger and adequate response to throw away the disease. That is the reason that after proper homeopathic medicine an increase in the existing disease condition called aggravation occurs. It is followed by permanent freedom from the disease.

The old diseases and conditions patient has suffered come back it shows that these diseases were not treated but suppressed. When in turn these conditions treated homeopathically pure health is restored permanently.

In psoriasis the abnormally behavior of "T" cells becomes normal resulting in no further relapse of the disease.

Difference between True cure and Natural Remission of Psoriasis

Psoriasis some times naturally disappears without any treatment called natural remission. But after a few months it reappears again. This is often confused as cure of a disease. The skeptics can reject homeopathic cure as natural remission. So one must know the basic difference between the two.

In natural remission when the disease disappears for some time but soon reappears as the trigger factors occur like change in disease favorable season, stress, strain etc. Every time when it reappears it comes with more intensity and on larger areas and stays for longer and may not disappear naturally, or needs more strong treatment. It means although the disease might have disappeared from skin but inside it was progressive.

On the other hand during the course of homeopathic treatment even if the disease reappears it reappears with less and less intensity and on smaller areas. And as the treatment starts taking effect on deeper levels it disappears and does not reappear even in the presence of strongly active trigger factors.

It is also observed that in rare cases if the patient does not maintain normal healthy life and indulges in addictions, stress, strain, favoring psoriasis to progress. It may reappear but in mild form and on small area and disappears with shorter course of treatment.

Only constitutional homeopathic treatment from a qualified homeopathic doctor can cure psoriasis.

What the Homeopathic Doctor needs to know to Cure the Patient

Whenever there is disease there are prominent disease symptoms which are easily observed and felt by the patient. But there are prior to disease changes in the whole of the person including his personal, social, environmental behavior.

All these changes comprise the disease and needs to be considered for the treatment of complete disease. In short a homeopath needs to know not only the biography of the disease but the biography of the person suffering for suffering from disease. A guideline of questionnaire is available for the patients on request.

Detailed history of the patient including the study of nature, attitude, behavior of the patient. His likes and dislikes and tolerances and intolerances, we get clue to find a homeopathic remedy that extinguishes the disease from the root. As a result the immunity stops sending false signals to produce excessive skin cells causing psoriasis.

Social Factors :

Psoriasis has a physical impact on the skin, but it also affects people's feelings, behaviors and experiences. It is important to recognize and acknowledge the social effects of Psoriasis in order to cope up with the disease. Not all people react the same way toward Psoriasis.

Very little is known about why this is the case. Some people may be able to handle the emotional and social aspects of having Psoriasis, while others struggle with these issues. Psoriasis marks people as different because their skin looks different from other people's skin.

Some people may react with insensitivity and ignorance to people with Psoriasis because they don't know what it is; it is something they're not used to seeing, or they are afraid they may "catch" it.

There are many ways to cope up with these reactions, and to prevent Psoriasis-and people's reactions to it-from affecting your self-esteem.

Psoriasis and Your Emotions :

When people are diagnosed with Psoriasis, it changes them physically because of the lesions that appear on the skin. But, just as importantly, it may also affect how they react emotionally. Now that their skin looks different, it may influence how they work, play, view themselves and interact with others.

This section talks about the emotional aspects of living with Psoriasis. Learning to recognize and manage your personal feelings about having Psoriasis is as important as learning to treat the physical symptoms

Psoriasis Triggers :

Psoriasis is not contagious-no one can "catch" it from another person. Because of their genes, certain people are more likely to develop it, but a "trigger" is usually necessary to make Psoriasis appear. These triggers may include emotional stress, injury to the skin, some types of infection and reaction to certain drugs

Used to treat manic depression and other psychiatric disorders. Lithium aggravates Psoriasis in about half of those with Psoriasis who take it. However, people can ask their physicians about alternatives to lithium.

Quinacrine, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine may cause a flare of Psoriasis, usually two to three weeks after the drug is taken. Hydroxychloroquine has the lowest incidence of side effects.

This high blood pressure medication worsens Psoriasis in about 25 percent to 30 percent of patients with Psoriasis who take it. It is not known if all high blood pressure (beta blocker) medications worsen Psoriasis, but they may have that potential. Sometimes other medications can be substituted.

This heart medication has been reported to worsen some cases of Psoriasis.

This drug is used to treat arthritis. It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It has worsened some cases of Psoriasis.
Other anti-inflammatories usually can be substituted. Indomethacin's negative effects are usually minimal when it is taken properly. Its side effects are usually outweighed by its benefits in psoriatic arthritis.

What are some other Triggers?
Although unproven, some people suspect that allergies trigger their Psoriasis.

Although unproven, changing the diet has helped some people improve their Psoriasis or avoid flares.

Strep infection: 
May trigger Guttate Psoriasis.

May make skin drier and more susceptible to a Psoriasis outbreak


For More Information or Treatment Contact-

Consulting Homoeopath
Contact- (+91) 9730553554
Kesula Homeo Clinic
Smruti Niwas,Shivram Nagar,
Vasmat Road,Opp.Chintamani Mandir,
Parbhani-431401 (MAHARASHTRA) INDIA

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