Saturday 18 November 2017

Best Homoeopathic Treatment For Kidney Failure

Definition of Kidney Failure

Kidneys perform very important function in our body. They filter blood, collect waste products from blood and then excrete them out from body through urine. In case of kidney failure, human kidneys are no more able to do their job. When kidneys are failed, high levels of waste products start accumulating in blood.

Important Functions of Kidneys.
There are 3 stages of kidney/renal failure. These stages are explained in following image:

The first stage of kidney failure called Acute Renal Failure can be treated and reversed. But if not treated this condition may lead to death of patient.

                                                         A normal and infected kidney.

Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Failure

The commons signs and symptoms of renal failure include:
  • urine quantity may be decreased
  • swelling in legs, feet and ankles due to fluid retention
  • confusion
  • nausea
  • drowsiness
  • fatigue
  • pain in chest
  • Coma
  • sleeping disorders
  • loss of concentration
  • itching on skin
Please note that in some cases there may not be any clear symptoms and signs of renal failure.

Reasons and Causes of Kidney Failure

The main reasons of kidney failure are listed below:
Slower Blood Flow to Kidneys: In some conditions the blood flow to kidneys is reduced. Due to reduced blood flow kidneys cannot perform their normal functions and may lead to renal failure. There are many diseases and conditions that can reduce blood flow to kidneys like blood loss, medicines for blood pressure, liver failure, heart attack or severe dehydration etc.
Direct Damage to Kidneys: The direct damage or infection of kidneys may also lead to renal failure.
Blocked Ureters: The waste matters filtered by kidneys are drained out through vessels or tubes called ureters. Sometimes ureters are blocked and waste matters cannot leave body through urine. This condition may also lead to kidney failure due to accumulation of waste matters within kidneys. The blockage of ureters may be due to certain diseases and conditions like colon cancer, bladder cancer, cervical cancer, enlarged prostate, prostrate cancer and kidney stones etc.

How to Diagnose Kidney Failure?

If patients have some or all above mentioned kidney failure symptoms then doctors recommend following tests to confirm the condition.
Urinalysis: In this test urine of patient is analyzed to find abnormalities. Also the quantity of daily urine excreted is measured. The decreased quantity is an indication of renal failure.
Blood Tests: A higher levels of creatinine and urea in blood is another indication of renal failure.
Kidney Imaging Tests: It is important to see the images of kidney to diagnose renal failure. Tests like ultrasound and computerized tomography are conducted to see kidneys of patients.
Biopsy: In this test a small sample of patient’s kidney is removed and tested in lab. A sharp needle is inserted into kidney through skin to remove a sample for testing.

Allopathic Methods to Treat Kidney Failure

Medications:  Certain medications are given to treat the condition. Medications are used to heal the kidneys and prevent further complications. Different problems like accumulation of blood potassium, retention of fluid, deficiency of fluid, decreased blood flow to kidneys etc are treated through medicines.
Note: There are many side effects associated with the use of these medications.
Hemodialysis: Due to kidney failure, toxins are accumulated in blood and cannot be removed. Blood is pumped out of patient’s body through dialyzer. Dialyzer acts a an artificial kidney that removes waste matters from blood. The filtered blood is then returned to patient’s body.
Note: This is a painful and expensive procedure.
Kidney Transplantation: Surgery is done to remove damaged kidney and a healthy kidney from another person is implanted.
In some patients both medicines and Dialysis are done.

Perfect and Safe Cure of Kidney Failure Using Homeopathic Medicines

Homeopathic medicines are quite effective in treating the kidney failure. Usually kidney starts functioning normally after homeopathic treatment. To do proper homeopathic treatment it is essential to understand the underlying cause(s) of kidney failure. We have discussed the main causes of renal failure in above lines. Sometimes more than 1 factors are responsible for this condition making the condition more severe.
After observing all symptoms and checking all medical reports, proper homeopathic medicines are given to patient. These medicines work in two ways. First of all they control the condition so that no more damage is done to the kidneys. Secondly, they start elimination the root causes of renal failure. Unlike allopathic medicines, there are no side effects associated with the use of Homeopathic medicines. If treatment is done in a right way, patient starts feeling better within few weeks. After few months, most of the patients are fully recovered and their kidney starts functioning properly and normally.
Some homeopathic medicines that are usually used to treat symptoms and underlying causes of renal failure are listed below:
  • Aconite
  • Apis mellifica
  • Apocynum
  • Arsenicum
  • Aurum muriaticum
  • Belladonna
  • Cantharis
  • Convallaria
  • Cuprum arsenicum
  • Digitalis
  • Kali chloricum
  • Mercurius corrosivus
  • Plumbum
  • Phosphorus
  • Terebinth
You should not use any of these medicines without asking from a reputed homeopathic doctor. All medicines mentioned here are for educational and informational purposes only.

For More info or Treatment Contact-

Consulting Homoeopath
Contact- (+91) 9730553554
Smruti Niwas,Shivram Nagar,
Vasmat Road,Opp.Chintamani Mandir,
Parbhani-431401 (MAHARASHTRA) INDIA

Friday 17 November 2017

10 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease ( CKD )

Homeopathic treatment for chronic kidney disease  ( CKD )involves getting the complete and detailed information from you about your creatinine and urea levels for last few months and then coming to customised Homeopathic medicines for chronic kidney disease for you. This will be the only right homeopathic medicine of chronic kidney disease for you, which will give you long term relief and stopping of further damage to kidney, made easy through our kesula treatment protocol available exclusively at Kesula Homeopathic Clinic and our online treatment platform for our global patients.

Get started with your Homeopathic treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease ( CKD ).
Call (+91) 97 30 553 554 to book an appointment.
Chronic kidney failure, also known as chronic renal failure, chronic renal disease, or chronic kidney disease, is a slow progressive loss of kidney function over a period of several years.
The symptoms of worsening kidney function are non-specific, and might include feeling generally unwell and experiencing a reduced appetite.
CKD is initially without specific symptoms and is generally only detected as an increase in serum creatinine or protein in the urine. Later on there is-
  • increased urination, especially at night
  • decreased urination
  • blood in the urine (not a common symptom of chronic renal failure)
  • urine that is cloudy or tea-coloured
  • puffy eyes, hands, and feet (called edema)
  • high blood pressure
  • fatigue
  • shortness of breath
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea and vomiting (this is a common symptom)
  • thirst
  • bad taste in the mouth or bad breath
  • weight loss
  • generalized, persistent itchy skin
  • muscle twitching or cramping
  • a yellowish-brown tint to the skin
A normal kidney contains approximately 1 million nephrons, each of which contributes to the total glomerular filtration rate (GFR). In the face of renal injury (regardless of the etiology), the kidney has an innate ability to maintain GFR, despite progressive destruction of nephrons, as the remaining healthy nephrons manifest hyperfiltration and compensatory hypertrophy. This nephron adaptability allows for continued normal clearance of plasma solutes.
The hyperfiltration and hypertrophy of residual nephrons, although beneficial for the reasons noted, has been hypothesized to represent a major cause of progressive renal dysfunction.
  • Type 1 or type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Interstitial nephritis, an inflammation of the kidney’s tubules and surrounding structures
  • Polycystic kidney disease
  • Prolonged obstruction of the urinary tract, from conditions such as enlarged prostate, kidney stones and some cancers
  • Recurrent kidney infection, also called pyelonephritis
Each patient is classified into one of the following 5 stages of CKD according to the progression of damage.
  • Stage 1: Kidney damage with normal or increased GFR(>90 mL/min/1.73 m2)
  • Stage 2: Mild reductionin GFR (60-89 mL/min/1.73 m2)
  • Stage 3: Moderate reductionin GFR (30-59 mL/min/1.73 m2)
  • Stage 4: Severe reductionin GFR (15-29 mL/min/1.73 m2)
  • Stage 5: Kidney failure(GFR <15 mL/min/1.73 m2 or dialysis)
  • Anemia – hemoglobin levels drop and not enough oxygen reaches many parts of the body.
  • Central nervous system damage.
  • Dry skin, skin color changes.
  • Fluid retention – this can lead to swollen tissue, heart failure, and fluid build-up in the lungs.
  • Hyperkalemia– blood potassium levels rise; this can result in heart damage.
  • Insomnia – this is a common consequence of kidney failure
  • Lower libido (sex drive)
  • Male erectile dysfunction.
  • Osteomalacia– bones become weak and break easily.
  • Pericarditis – the sac-like membrane that envelops the heart (pericardium) becomes inflamed.
  • Stomach ulcers.
  • Weak immune system– the patient becomes much more susceptible to infection.
Complications in children:
  • Erythropoietinproduction drops, resulting in a much lower red blood cell count.
  • Vitamin D – the kidneys will no longer be able to activate vitamin D, resulting in poor calcium absorption and muscle function.
Consequently, children with kidney failure may fail to grow properly.
Complications during pregnancy:
When a woman is pregnant the kidneys have to work especially hard because the amount of fluid in the body increases. Pregnant women with chronic kidney failure may experience worsening hypertension and an increase in waste products in their blood. This can affect both the mother and her baby.
Women with chronic kidney failure who are pregnant have a significantly higher risk of developing preeclampsia, compared to other women – blood pressure rises dangerously high. If left untreated the result could be a brain hemorrhage, or hemorrhaging in the liver or kidneys – both potentially fatal for both mother and baby.
(a)Treating the cause
First treat the cause, but kidney damage can continue to worsen even when an underlying condition, such as high blood pressure, has been controlled.
(b)Treating complications
Kidney disease complications can be controlled to make you more comfortable. Treatments may include:
  • High blood pressure medications.People with kidney disease may experience worsening high blood pressure.
So medicines to lower the High Blood Pressure are given, commonly angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers — and to preserve kidney function.
  • Medications to lower cholesterol levels. People with chronic kidney disease often experience high levels of bad cholesterol, which can increase the risk of heart disease.
  • Medications to treat anemia. Erythropoietin supplements aid in production of more red blood cells, which may relieve fatigue and weakness associated with anemia.
  • Medications to relieve swelling.People with chronic kidney disease may retain fluids. This can lead to swelling in the legs, as well as high blood pressure. Medications called diuretics can help maintain the balance of fluids in your body.
  • Medications to protect your bones.Your doctor may prescribe calcium and vitamin D supplements to prevent weak bones and lower the risk of fracture.
  • A lower protein diet to minimize waste products in your blood.As the body processes protein from foods, it creates waste products that the kidneys must filter from the blood. So low protein diet should be recommended.
(c)Treatment for end-stage kidney disease
If the kidneys can’t keep up with waste and fluid clearance on their own and person develops complete or near-complete kidney failure, he or she has end-stage kidney disease. At that point, dialysis or a kidney transplant is needed.
Homeopathic medicines-
  1. Ammonium carbonicum: mental sluggishness, fatigue, turbid, bloody, scanty or fetid urine and painful urination.
  2. Apis mellifica: kidney inflammation, urine suppression and general edema.
  3. Arsenic album: scanty and burning urination, difficult urination and nephritis.
  4. Aurum metallicum: urine with mucous sediment and painful retention of urine.
  5. Chelidoniumm majus: copious urination, pale white urine and frequent night urination.
  6. Cuprum Arsenicosum: painful urination, discolored urine and kidney function.
  7. Cuprum Metallicum: clear watery urine, sharp pain in urethra, bed-wetting, urine suppression and frequent urination of fetid and viscid urine.
  8. Opium: general edema, urine suppression, uremic convulsions, body sluggishness, black stool and white urine.
  9. Phosphorous: uremia, turbid urine with sedimentation, kidney swelling and extreme fatigue.
  10. Terebinthina: kidney and urinary tract inflammation and discolored urine.
KESULA Homeopathic Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease – 
These are just basic indications and there are more than 150 Homeopathic medicines that can be right for you. The Kesula homeopathic treatment for chronic kidney disease is customized for you so that you get long term relief and permanent cure. Our homeopathic treatment for chronic kidney disease is 100% safe and proven to be effective in most of our patients. The right homeopathic medicines for chronic kidney disease has to be choosen by a qualified and an experienced Homeopathic doctor.

Call our helpline (+91) 97 30 553 554 to connect with us NOW.

Call or meet us to know more about our specialized homeopathic treatment for chronic kidney disease and get to know the right homeopathic medicine for chronic kidney disease for you from our experts.

For More info or Treatment Contact-

Consulting Homoeopath
Contact- (+91) 9730553554
Smruti Niwas,Shivram Nagar,
Vasmat Road,Opp.Chintamani Mandir,
Parbhani-431401 (MAHARASHTRA) INDIA

Friday 9 June 2017

सोरायसिस बीमारी का रामबाण उपचार.. होम्योपैथिक उपचार..

इस समय देश की 5 फीसदी आबादी सोरायसिस की शिकार है। सोरायसिस त्वचा की ऊपरी सतह का चर्म रोग है जो वैसे तो वंशानुगत है लेकिन कई कारणों से भी हो सकता है। आनु्वंशिकता के अलावा इसके लिए पर्यावरण भी एक बड़ा कारण माना जाता है। यह असाध्य बीमारी कभी भी किसी को भी हो सकती है। कई बार इलाज के बाद इसे ठीक हुआ समझ लिया जाता है जबकि यह रह-रहकर सिर उठा लेता है। शीत ऋतु में यह बीमारी प्रमुखता से प्रकट होती है।

सोरायसिस चमड़ी की एक ऐसी बीमारी है जिसके ऊपर मोटी परत जम जाती है। दरअसल चमड़ी की सतही परत का अधिक बनना ही सोरायसिस है। त्वचा पर भारी सोरायसिस की बीमारी सामान्यतः हमारी त्वचा पर लाल रंग की सतह के रूप में उभरकर आती है और स्केल्प (सिर के बालों के पीछे) हाथ-पाँव अथवा हाथ की हथेलियों, पाँव के तलवों, कोहनी, घुटनों और पीठ पर अधिक होती है। 1-2 प्रतिशत जनता में यह रोग पाया जाता है। 

क्या है लक्षण: 
रोग से ग्रसित (आक्रांत) स्थान की त्वचा चमकविहीन, रुखी-सूखी, फटी हुई और मोटी दिखाई देती है तथा वहाँ खुजली भी चलती है। सोरायसिस के क्रॉनिक और गंभीर होने पर 5 से 40 प्रतिशत रोगियों में जोड़ों का दर्द और सूजन जैसे लक्षण भी पाए जाते हैं एवं कुछ रोगियों के नाखून भी प्रभावित हो जाते हैं और उन पर रोग के चिह्न (पीटिंग) दिखाई देते हैं। 

क्यों और किसे होता है सोरायसिस: 
सोरायसिस क्यों होता है इसका सीधे-सीधे उत्तर देना कठिन है क्योंकि इसके मल्टीफ्लेक्टोरियल (एकाधिक) कारण हैं। अभी तक हुई खोज (रिसर्च) के अनुसार सोरायसिस की उत्पत्ति के लिए मुख्यतः जेनेटिक प्री-डिस्पोजिशन और एनवायरमेंटल फेक्टर को जवाबदार माना गया है।सोरायसिस हेरिडिटी (वंशानुगत) रोगों की श्रेणी में आने वाली बीमारी है एवं 10 प्रश रोगियों में परिवार के किसी सदस्य को यह रोग रहता है। 

किसी भी उम्र में नवजात शिशुओं से लेकर वृद्धों को भी हो सकती है। यह इंफेक्टिव डिसिज (छूत की बीमारी) भी नहीं है। सामान्यतः यह बीमारी 20 से 30 वर्ष की आयु में प्रकट होती है, लेकिन कभी-कभी इस बीमारी के लक्षण क्रॉनिक बीमारियों की तरह देरी से उभरकर आते हैं। सोरायसिस एक बार ठीक हो जाने के बाद कुछ समय पश्चात पुनः उभर कर आ जाता है और कभी-कभी अधिक उग्रता के साथ प्रकट होता है। ग्रीष्मऋतु की अपेक्षा शीतऋतु में इसका प्रकोप अधिक होता है।

रोग होने पर क्या करें:
सोरायसिस होने पर विशेषज्ञ चिकित्सक के बताए अनुसार निर्देशों का पालन करते हुए पर्याप्त उपचार कराएँ ताकि रोग नियंत्रण में रहे। थ्रोट इंफेक्शन से बचें और तनाव रहित रहें, क्योंकि थ्रोट इंफेक्शन और स्ट्रेस सीधे-सीधे सोरायसिस को प्रभावित कर रोग के लक्षणों में वृद्धि करता है। त्वचा को अधिक खुश्क होने से भी बचाएँ ताकि खुजली उत्पन्न न हो। परहेज नाम पर मात्र मदिरा और धूम्रपान का परहेज है क्योंकि ये दोनों ही सीधे सीधे इस व्याधि को बढाते है.

क्या है उपचार: 
सोरायसिस के उपचार में बाह्य प्रयोग के लिए एंटिसोरियेटिक क्रीम/ लोशन/ ऑइंटमेंट की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका होती है। लेकिन जब बाह्योपचार से लाभ न हो तो मुँह से ली जाने वाली एंटीसोरिक और सिमटोमेटिक होम्योपैथिक औषधियों का प्रयोग आवश्यक हो जाता है। 

होम्योपैथिक औषधियाँ:

लक्षणानुसार मरक्यूरस सौल, नेट्रम सल्फ, मेडोराइनम, लाईकोपोडियम, सल्फर, सोराइन्म, आर्सेनिक अल्ब्म, ग्रफाइट्स, इत्यादि अत्यंत कारगर होम्योपैथिक दवाएँ हैं। 

उपरोक्त दवाये केवल उदहारण के तौर पर दी गयी है .कृपया किसी भी दवा का सेवन बिना परामर्श के ना करे, क्योकि होम्योपैथी में सभी व्यक्तियों की शारीरिक और मानसिक लक्षण के आधार पर अलग -अलग दवा होती है !

सोरायसिस की संपूर्ण जानकारी  या  ट्रीटमेंट के लिये संपर्क करे-

Consulting Homoeopath
Contact- (+91) 9730553554
Smruti Niwas,Shivram Nagar,
Vasmat Road,Opp.Chintamani Mandir,
Parbhani-431401 (MAHARASHTRA) INDIA

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Leucoderma Treatment – सफेद दाग का इलाज

सफ़ेद दाग अथवा विटिलिगी अथवा ल्युकोडरमा या फुलेरी एक ही बीमारी के कई नाम हैं।

सफेद दाग के कारण

यह रोग त्वचा द्वार ‘मिलेनिन’ नामक पदार्थ (जो कि त्वचा का रंग निर्धारित करता है) का बनना बंद हो जाने के कारण होता है, लेकिन त्वचा ग्रंथियों एवं कोशिकाओं में ऐसी कौन-सी खराबी आ जाती है कि मिलेनिन का बनना रुक जाता है, यह अभी तक अबूझ पहेली ही है। यह अण्डाकार अथवा छितरे हए धब्बों के रूप में शरीर के किसी भी हिस्से में हो सकता है। इसमें किसी प्रकार की खुजली अथवा अन्य कोई प्रतिक्रिया नहीं होती। अब वैज्ञानिक यह मानने लगे हैं कि संभवतया मानसिक दबाव के साथ-साथ थायराइड ग्रंथि से संबंधित बीमारियों में शरीर के ऊतकों में किसी वजह से कठोरता एवं सिकुड़ाव आ जाने के कारण,गंजापन होने के कारण एवं खून की कमी होने पर सफेद दाग के मरीजों की संख्या बढ़ जाती है। सिफिलिस रोग की वजह से भी सफेद दाग बन सकता है।

सफेद दाग का होमियोपैथिक इलाज

वैसे, व्यक्ति के हाव-भाव, आचार-विचार, पूर्व इतिहास, खान-पान आदि को देखते हुए समान लक्षणों के आधार पर कोई भी दवा दी जा सकती है, किन्तु निम्न दवाएं उपयोगी हैं – ‘एल्युमिना’, ‘आर्सेनिक एल्बम’, ‘नेट्रमम्यूर’, ‘सीपिया’, ‘साइलेशिया’, ‘सल्फर’, ‘कैल्केरिया कार्ब’, ‘काबोंएनीमेलिस’, ‘मरक्यूरियस’, ‘एसिडफास’, ‘माइका’, ‘हाइड्रोकोटाइल’, ‘क्यूप्रम आर्स’, ‘कालमेग’, ‘चेलीडोनियम’।
सम्पूर्ण बातें रोगी से जानने के बाद एक व्यवस्थित मानसिक एवं शारीरिक आधार पर खोजी गई दवा अत्यन्त उपयोगी है, जिसे होमियोपैथी की भाषा में कान्सटीट्यूशनल रेमेडी कहते हैं। फिर बीमारी के कारणों के आधार पर दवा देते हैं, जैसे किसी रोग में ताम्र धातु का अभाव परिलक्षित होने पर ‘क्यूप्रम आर्स’ 3 × दवा, यकृत संबंधी परेशानियों के साथ सफेद दाग होने पर ‘कालमेग’, ‘चेलीडोनियम’ दवाओं का अर्क, पेट की गड़बड़ी के साथ सफेद दाग होने पर ‘वेरवोनिया’ दवा का अर्क एवं ‘क्यूप्रम आक्स नाइग्रम’ दवा, सिफिलिस रोग होने पर ‘सिफिलाइनम’ नामक दवा दी जा सकती है।
संक्षेप में यह कहा जा सकता है कि सफ़ेद दागकोई गंभीर रोग नहीं है | हालाँकि यह जरूरी है कि इसके लिए हम सचेत रहें क्योंकि इसका उपचार किया जा सकता है|

(टिप- यह जानकारी सिर्फ संदर्भ के लिये दि गयी कोई भी दवा लेने से पूर्व डॉक्टर कि सलाह आवश्यक है)

सफेद दाग  की  संपूर्ण जानकारी  या  ट्रीटमेंट के लिये संपर्क करे-

Consulting Homoeopath
Contact- (+91) 9730553554

Smruti Niwas,Shivram Nagar,
Vasmat Road,Opp.Chintamani Mandir,
Parbhani-431401 (MAHARASHTRA) INDIA

Saturday 18 February 2017

Miagraine 100% Cure With Homoeopathy

Today we are living in world which is going faster and making lot of impacts on our health
headache seems to be day to day problem … but wait is it headache or migraine  .
lets try to understand it  But there is a thin line of demarcation between the two.
What's a migraine? Migraine is a throbbing headache, usually on one side of the head, caused by the narrowing and dilating of blood vessels on one side of the brain. An attack may last upto two days.
There are two main types of migraine: 
Common: A slowly developing severe headache, lasting from a few hours to two days, made worse by the smallest movement or noise, accompanied by nausea and sometimes vomiting.
Classical: Headache preceded by an aura which generally takes the form of a visual disturbance.
This may consist of:  A temporary loss of vision, focusing problems, blind spots and flashing lights.
  • Possible speech problems.
  • Occasional weakness or temporary paralysis of the limbs or extremities.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Sensitivity to light.
What's a headache? Headaches, on the other hand, are a common complaint. For the most part, they happen because of muscular tension in the head, neck or shoulder or due to congestion of the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain and muscles. Generally, there is a sensation of a tight band around the head, a feeling of pressure at the top of the head, a bursting and throbbing sensation, eye and neck pain, dizziness. Here are some causes are known to precipitate migraines and headaches:
Poor posture
Sleep deprivation
Bright lights
Head trauma
Food allergy
Eye strain
Oral contraceptives
Hormonal changes
Low blood sugar

Head injury

Here are the top 10 causes of migraine

1. Stress. Stress is easily one of the most common causes of headaches. The best way to reduce headaches caused by  stress is to work out or meditate to relax your nerves and keep your stress levels at a minimum.Tension headaches, the most common kind, are brought on by either physical or emotional stress. One of the most frequent causes of physical stress is spending too much uninterrupted time staring at the computer. Take breaks every half hour to stretch and look in the distance. Emotional stress may not be so easy to eliminate.
2. Eating. today we become fast food eaters healty diet is much far from us it seems Your eating habits can have a huge impact on your health. Choosing to eat unhealthy foods like chips, chocolate and processed meats and cheeses will increase the likeliness that you'll suffer from headaches. Eating fresh vegetables and fruits and drinking lots of water will help to prevent headaches. 

3. Eye Strain.long use sitting infornt of latops and pc can triiger it  Eye strain is often associated with headaches. Squinting your eyes for an extended period of time (or exposing your eyes to fluorescent lighting) can impact the nerves in your head and trigger headaches. If you're working on a computer, try using an anti-glare screen or ask your doctor for an anti-glare prescription for your glasses.

4. Lack of Sleep. most important cause I feel today’s world role we are working in sleeping hours and sleeping in working time  Getting less than 7 hours of sleep a night can trigger a headache. Your body needs at least 7 hours of sleep to function.

5. Too Much Sleep. Getting less than 7 hours of sleep a night can spark headaches but getting more than 11 hours of sleep can have the same effect. 8-10 hours of restorative sleep a night is ideal.

6. Hunger and hypoglycemic headaches Fasting and consequent low blood sugar levels may trigger headaches in patients with migraine. Avoid consuming anything high or rich in carbohydrates. Else, it could result in a rapid secretion of insulin, thus lowering blood sugar levels.
7. Smoke. Smoke is a leading cause of headaches. While this is common knowledge for most people, what some don't realize is that individuals who don't smoke can still be severely affected by it and can ultimately suffer from headaches because of second-hand smoke. EXPOSURE TO SECOND-HAND SMOKE:Cigarette smoke is a common trigger of migraine headaches. Try to stay in a non-smoking environment. If you can't avoid the smoke, try putting some peppermint oil on your pulse points to detract from the smell.
8. Loud Noise. Any type of loud noise can trigger a headache. Likewise, being around loud noise will make it extremely difficult to get rid of a headache.

9. Alcoholic beverages. Some believe grapes that are organically grown and wines that are free of sulfites are less likely to trigger headaches. Stress may act as a secondary trigger in some situations. A person who suffers from migraines and is exposed to a stressful and tiring work environment may complain of an inability to tolerate wine, whereas the same person on a relaxing vacation may drink and enjoy the same wine without suffering headaches.    Hangover.Many would agree that a headache caused by a hangover is self-induce

10. PAIN MEDICATIONS: Ironic but true. Half of chronic migraines, and as many as 25 percent of all headaches, are actually "rebound" episodes triggered by the overuse of common pain medications. Medication Side Effects. Headaches are a common side effect of most medications. If you need the medication, there's really no way of getting around the side effects.
A Few more cause are followings
WEATHER OR CHANGE IN ALTITUDE: Changes in weather, especially sharp dips in barometric pressure, can cause headaches. Even a visit to a town or city that is at a higher elevation than where you currently live can bring on an episode.
HORMONES: The hormones estrogen and progesterone affect headache-related chemicals in the brain. Higher estrogen levels may improve headaches, while lower estrogen levels can make headaches worse.
SINUSES: Dry sinuses or congested sinuses can cause headaches. These headaches come with deep and constant pain in the cheekbones, forehead or bridge of the nose. The pain usually intensifies with sudden head movement.
DEHYDRATION: This may be the most common cause of a headache. Your body is made up of roughly 60% water and requires a generous amount of water intake. Adults should be drinking about 8 to 10 glasses of water a day for proper hydration. Be aware that coffee and sodas are often dehydrating.
Hunger and hypoglycemic headaches Fasting and consequent low blood sugar levels may trigger headaches in patients with migraine.Avoid consuming anything high or rich in carbohydrates. Else, it could result in a rapid secretion of insulin, thus lowering blood sugar levels.
Homeopathy Approach 
Homeopathy has always cured so many cases of migraine I have my personal experience in curing migraine so nicely with homeopathy
In other systems they called it incurable but in homeopathy its curable.Migraine is one of the diseases for which homeopathy can positively do something. Here there is another special significance. In Allopathic medicine there is no remedy for this disease. So it is common to find patients coming for homeopathy treatment after suffering for 10 to 15 years, despite allopathic treatment. And Homeopathy does wonders for the migraine, where patient has no other option.

As I always says Consult a Qualified Homeopathy Doctor for the appropriate treatment. For chronic & acute conditions patient needs constitutional treatment to reduce the recurrence of attacks and pain 
here few therapeutic index i had taken from Nash which really helped me lot in acute condition,but remember  its constitutional which works well . so do Consult a Qualified Homeopathy Doctor near by u .
Here are few from Nash therapeutics book.
Nux vomica- Headache with Gastric & Hepatic origin and haemorrhoidal affections. Modalities is more important than pain < mental Exertion, anger, open air (opp of puls).

Bryonia- Bursting Headache ‘’feel Head would split open < stooping coughing, ironing; opening eye. < Hot weather.

Ant. crud.- Headache after River Bathing < cold food < alcohol drinks, lat fruits < Heat at son.

Calc. phoc- Useful Remedy in Headache at Anemic school Girl ( Nat- Mur) < when thinking at them. 

Silicea- Headache- start Nape- forward- over Head to the eye ( silicea)
Belladona- Congestive Headache, Neuralgic Headache Throbbing, < stooping, forward, Bending downward, < lying down, Anything that makes perpendicular.
Lachesis- IMP for Headache. SUN Headache- chronic whenever exposed to SUN- Headache ( Nat-carb). IMP- pressure on vertex patient just want to go sleep Headache.

Kali Bichrom- Headache- pain are peculiar- & pain appeared in small spot- covered with finger- pain comes Go pain flu from one place to another.(kali Bi/ kali sulph/ pulsatilla.)

Coffea- Headache from- mental Exertion, thinking, talking. one side nail driver into Brain ( Ign. Nux) Brain Based in pieces- < open air.

IGN- Headache- As nail driver the side > lying pressure mental work & Grief. ‘’Women.

Cocc- Sick Headache- Nausea- vomit. < Riding in carriage or sea-sickness- sickness- stomach,  Headache. in cocculus- Head- stomach.

Spigelia- Headache one side- occiput- forward- settle over Left eye Right eye (sil), < least noise. Rising SUN   going down. (Nat m Glan), cilliary Neuralg.

Iris- versi- Sick Headache seem to be gastric origin Begin with Blur Before eye. 

Sanguinaria-     Sick Headache- Rise spread over Head- Right eye Nausea & vomiting- patient want to go in Dark room & perfectly quite. American sick Headache. Habitual sick, Headache.
Acid Phos- Remedy for Headache in student especially who are growing too fast.
Gelsemium- Headache- dull- tired Headache- Base of Brain Patients wants to lie down with Head raised Position. Still < mental Exertion smoking tobacco. Heat at SUN ( Glan Lach Lysin Nat-carb) > pressure and stimulants. > profuse urination ( Lac. defloratum)
Arg. Nit- Headache- Hemicrania- distrasing Hard. Feeling at Expansion. Head is Enlarged, > tied up

Nat- Mur- School Girls ( calc. Phos).- eye strain- study, chronic Headache- throbbing comes in paroxysms. (Belladonna)- Nat- Mur. Anemia < Menses

Nat Carb- Headache- < Expose SUN / Gaslight over Healthy

Mag. MUR- Nervous Headache > pressure > wrapping Head. Headache with constipation.

Arnica- < trauma / concussion. fracture meningitis.
Glonoine- Bursting Headache- sense of  Expansion.  Can't Bear Heat / Pressure. throbbing pain- congestion.
Headache- seems arrive tram Neck ( Bell- m)
Cyclamen- Violent Headache flickering Before eye. or spots < morning & menses.


For More Information or Treatment Contact-

Consulting Homoeopath
Contact- (+91) 9730553554
Kesula Homeo Clinic
Smruti Niwas,Shivram Nagar,
Vasmat Road,Opp.Chintamani Mandir,
Parbhani-431401 (MAHARASHTRA) INDIA